Abbi Perets

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Abbi Perets is an award-winning copywriter with 20 years of experience working with some of the biggest brands in the world. At, she teaches moms how to get started in freelance writing and build a business from home, on their own terms.

Abbi is passionate about helping moms understand that they don't have to choose between kids and career-you really can have it all. Her signature approach helps women start with no professional experience and transform themselves into highly-paid freelance writers in less than three months.

Hustle Hack: Make your marketing simpler by specializing. As a person who loves a plethora of options myself, (hello enneagram 7) this really challenges me. But the truth is there is freedom in boundaries. I’ve seen this in my habits, my finances, my health, and even my marriage. So of COURSE it’s true in business too. How specific can you get in your target audience so you can really connect and resonate with the folks you most want to reach? 

Moment of Grace: Set an alarm for your evening and pre-bedtime rituals. Oh I love this. We are all about alarms in the morning to get us out of bed but we should make use of those in the evening to get things done after kids are in bed and we have alone time for the night. I know sometimes we end up staying up late because we just need to unwind or just need to get some things done around the house but the truth is rest is critical to avoiding burnout. So go ahead and give an evening alarm clock a shot. I know I need to set an alarm at 10 pm to say hey, get ready to go to bed! Having a well honed rhythm at the end of the day is just as important as at the beginning.

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