Eddie Kaufholz, Podcast Host On Social Activism & Parenting

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Eddie Kaufholz is the producer and host of The New Activist, a podcast dedicated to hearing from activists and world changers who are tackling some of the world’s biggest problems. In addition, he is on staff with International Justice Mission, an N.G.O. dedicated to ending slavery around the globe. Eddie regularly speaks about justice issues, writes on topics of faith and counseling, and was on The RELEVANT Podcast for five years. He lives in Gainesville, Florida with Brianne (his wife) and Eve and Lucy (his very sweet daughters).

Eddie joined Hilary on the first episode of Season 2 to share his career journey, his thoughts on social activism, and his approach to balancing work and family.

Episode Highlights

“We’ve been very open to not being afraid.”

“Don’t get bogged down in the enormity of the entire issue. Just do something. Do anything.”

“A lot of the changes that I’ve made in my life have less to do with being open, but being a lot more clear on being motivated by things that are true and real. My job isn’t going to be my identity.”

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This episode is sponsored by Get Your Dream Off the Ground.